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Gujarathi Baby Boy Names Starting With "t" and Meaning
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Name In Gujarathi Meaning
Theenish થીનીશ  
Theeraj થીરાજ  
Theeran થીરણ Prayag
Theerthpati થીર્થ્પતી Gift of God; Godly
TheivaMani ઠેઇવઅનિ Upper Story
Theja થેજા  
Thejas ઠેજસ bright
Thel ઠેલ From the South (in Tamil Naadu
Thenappan ઠેનાપ્પણ Kind
Thennan ઠેન્નાન A Short Form Of Theodore
Theo થેઓ American Novelist Theodore Dreiser
Theodore ઠેઓદોરે Godly
Thevan ઠેવન A Tamil classic in praise of The God
Thevaram તહેવારમ  
Thiivyesh થીઈવ્યેશ lord of happiness and satisfaction
Thilak થીલક  
ThillaiNathan થીલ્લીનાથાન Intelligent and Radiant like Sun
Thimma થીમમાં lord venkateswara
Thinakaran થીનાકરણ Brilliant Like The Sun, Intelligent
Thines થીનેસ  
Thiraiyan થીરિયન Intelligent; Realized
Thiru થીરુ shri
Thiru Murugan ઠિરુઉરુગન  
ThiruGnanam થીરુગ્નાનામ God Venkateswaran
Thirumal થીરુમાલ Abode of God Venkateswaran; Holy Place
Thirumala થીરુમાંલા  
Thirumalai થીરુમાંલાઈ Brave
Thirumalesh થીરુમાંલેશ  
Thirumani થીરુમાની Precious Gem
ThiruMaran થીરુમરણ Word of God
Thirumeni થીરુમેની  
Thirumoli થીરુમોલી God Murugan
ThiruMurugan થીરુમુરુગન also Tirupugal
Thirupati થીરુપતી sri venkateswara, mahavirat. the famous name and fame in world. suitable to boys.
ThiruPugal થીરુપુગલ Author of the Tamil Masterpiece ThiruKural (aka Secular Scripture)
ThiruValluvan થીરુવાલ્લુવન  
Thiruvalluvar થીરુવાલ્લુવાર Author Of Tamil Classic, Thirukural
Thiruvarangan થીરુવારંગન God Venkateswaran
ThiruVenkatan થીરુવેન્કાતન Light from God
Thiruvoli થીરુવોલી A Short Form Of Thomas
Thivyasai saran    
Thiyahu થીયાહુ  
Thnesh થ્નેશ  
Thom થોમ Twin
Thomas થોમસ Son Of Thomas
Thomogna થોમોગના siva
Thompson થોમ્પ્સોન Flawless Gem
ThooMani થૂમાની Flawless; Pure
Thooyan થૂયન Thor If Good
Thooyavan થૂયવાન Pure, Flawless
Thorgood થોર્ગૂદ Thor s Meadow
Thorley થોર્લેય Thor s Protection
Thormond થોર્મોન્દ Thorny Embankment
Thorndike થોર્ન્દીકે A Short Form Of Names Beginning With Thor
Thorne થોરને Thorny Meadow
Thornley થોર્ન્લેય Thorny Town
Thornton થોર્ન્તોન Village
Thorpe થોર્પે Thunder
Thrilok થ્રીલોક three words (heaven, earth, hell)
Thrilookaman થ્રીલૂકામાન  
Thrinesh   THIRD EYE
Thrish ઠરીશ Noble
Thrishan   King of Surya dynasty
Thrishanth થ્રીશંઠ  
Thulasitharan થુલાસીથારણ  
Thunder ઠુંન્દેર Thor s Hill
Thurlow ઠુર્લોવ Thor s Servant
Thurman થુરમાન Defended By Thor
Thurmond થુર્મોન્દ Derived From Tyler
Tieler તીએલેર A Short Form Of Tiger
Tige તીગે A Short Form Of Tiger
Tighe તીઘે Moon
Tijil તીજીલ Prince,Would be king
Tikait ટીકીટ A mark of forehead
Tikesh તીકેશ  
Tilak તિલક Spot Of Vermillion Or Sandal Wood Paste On Forehead
Tilakarathna તીલાકારાથના nama
Timeer તિમિર darkness
Timij તીમીજ Dark
Timin તીમીન Large Fish
Timir તિમિર Sun,Knowledge
Timirbaran તીમીર્બરણ Dark
Timmy તીમ્મ્ય Disaple Of Paul
Timothy તીમોથ્ય Name Of A Saint
Tinku ટીંકુ A very common nick name for boys in in India.
Tinohan તીનોહન  
Tiranand તીરાનંદ lord shiva
Tirapatayya તીરાપતાય્યા  
Tirath તીરથ t
Tirishaanth તીરીશાંઠ King of Surya dynasty
Tirranand તીર્રાનંદ Lord Shiva
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